Five of the most practical wavy hairstyles. Step-by-step instructions for performing wavy hairstyles: with photo


In recent years, the fashion world has increasingly advertised hairstyles for straight hair. Owners of curly hair have to make a lot of efforts to be in a new trend: flattening irons, stylers, all kinds of gels, etc.

Women often say that making a hairstyle for curly or wavy hair is also a problem. Therefore, they choose two radically opposite solutions: either grow long hair and tie a “bundle”, or cut it short. I would like to help in the problem of creating wavy hairstyles and, especially, to emphasize their simplicity.

Hair preparation for creating wavy hairstyles

Along with the disadvantages, curly hair has many advantages.

First of all, curly hair looks very voluminous. Secondly, hair is easier to style, more pliable. Thirdly, if you just wash your hair, let them dry in a natural way and spray it with a spray, you will already get a hairstyle! The use of hairdryers is strictly prohibited, otherwise you risk becoming a "dandelion". A wavy hair hairstyle should be touched as little as possible so as not to push the top layer and create a halo on the head.

And another feature of curly hair: if you put a little musa on the hair and just wind wide locks on your fingers (you need to wind it very tightly), then in a couple of minutes you will get a beautiful sexy look.

But if outside the window it is raining or damp, then only wavy hairstyles can arrange your curls.

Despite the fact that curly hair needs careful care, there are a huge number of wavy hairstyles.

Cleopatra's hairstyle from the Classic Wavy Hairstyles series

Several movements - and you can repeat the historical image of a beautiful woman.

1. Lift hair up to form a puffy tail

2. Prepare two beautiful ribbons or ribbons

3. Carefully fasten hair with hairpins, but do not smooth, but leave a lush halo

4. Braid your head twice. The result is a hoop effect.

5. You can let out thin braids from under the braid.

This hairstyle is perfect for romantic meetings and dates.

Green light wavy braids!

How many different weaves for wavy hair can be invented! Of course, braiding them is not as simple as straight ones, but braids look, sometimes, more spectacular.

The classic image of a modest and open girl will create a wreath of braids. To create a hairstyle, divide the hair into a parting on the side.

1. Next, transfer all hair to the side of weaving (which one will be more convenient to weave) and start weaving with a simple tight braid along the entire length of the hair.

2. Be sure to weave to the ends.

3. Then insert your fingers into the hair and slightly fluff the braid. You can pull the edges of the links and get the effect of hearts in weaving.

4. Fasten the end of the braid with a thin rubber band to match the color of the hair.

5. Wrap the braid around the circumference of the head with a neat rim and secure it with hairpins or invisible crosswise.

The image of a charming shy created. As you can see, the hairstyle is very easy to implement and does not take much time for those who are in a hurry to work and want to look good.

Well, if you need to look business-like, give preference to wavy hairstyles based on twisted knots.

Twisted Knot Wavy Hairstyles

Such hairstyles are created from knots, loops and braids. They are a little more difficult to perform than the previous ones, but worth it.

1. Start weaving the main braid on the side.

2. After you pass the crown, divide the three sections of hair into two and tie knots on them until you reach the ends.

3. Then secure the ends with an elastic band. Gather the hair in a ponytail and tie a rubber band just above the back of the head. Divide the ponytails into two parts, and then tie them into knots to the end of the hair, as long as the length allows.

4. Wrap the remaining tips around the knots to create a volume effect without using a hairpiece.

This hairstyle will allow you to look great at business meetings and feel confident business woman.

And what could be better than one nodule? Right, two little knots!

These two beautiful hair knots look advantageous on wavy hair, and the wavy hairstyle does not lose its amazing volume. To make such a hairstyle easier than ever. Divide the hair into two parts and each twist with a strong braid below the nape. Twist the flagella into nodules and pin them low with studs or invisible. Do not forget to wear heels to look charming!

A grand display of wavy hairstyles - weddings

Take a look around at any wedding or celebration. What hairstyles will you see more: on straight or curly hair? Of course, a significant advantage will be in the direction of wavy hairstyles. Many women, naturally, will resort to the services of a hairdresser or stylist. But if you have natural curls, then you are terribly lucky. There is nothing easier than modeling a wedding hairstyle yourself.

Gently divide the hair into three sections. Weave the central section into a tight braid, and then make a low “bump” with the help of hairpins. Twist the side sections in turn with a tourniquet, starting to turn the tourniquet inward. Wrap each tourniquet around the "gulka" and pin it with invisibles crosswise. Do not hide the curls at the tips, but sprinkle with varnish and slightly twist on the fingers. The result is a perfect hairstyle that will look no worse than other guests.

Charming Wavy Hairstyle

If, for example, for owners of straight hair it is easy to achieve such an effect - just do not comb in the morning - then women with wavy hair will never look sloppy in this style, but only charming. Although to create such a hairstyle it will take a couple of minutes and a minimum of effort.

The point is small - just twist the light flagella and pin them randomly with invisible crosswise. Allow the tips to hang freely. In the end you will get a charming mess. Or you can complicate the task a bit and pin the flagella symmetrically towards each other, while hiding the tips.

Such a hairstyle is suitable for dates, although you can "try on" it both to work and to study.

As you can see, all models are good. It remains only to choose to your taste. But the main thing is to remember that your curly hair looks unusually in any performance.


Watch the video: Super quick & easy updo for curly hair - get great hair fast! (July 2024).