Shrimp salad - the best recipes. How to cook shrimp salad properly and tasty.


Shrimp salad - general principles and methods of preparation

Shrimps are called small floating crustaceans with a size of 2-30 cm (depending on the species), distributed throughout the globe, in fresh water or in salt water. Shrimp meat is useful in that it contains a lot of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, magnesium, copper, as well as vitamins of group B and PP. It also contains taurine - an amino acid that nourishes our blood vessels and muscles, which keeps them in good shape and helps maintain their elasticity.

Shrimps are very much appreciated by supporters of a healthy lifestyle, because they have almost no fat, and they contribute to the balanced functioning of the digestive tract, easily absorbed in the body.

Vegetables, greens, fruits, rice, fish, and other seafood help salads to better discover shrimp. They are usually seasoned with mayonnaise, vegetable oil or dressings made from unrefined olive oil. There are many options for shrimp salads, and cooking them is not at all difficult, as you will now see.

Shrimp Salad - Product Preparation

If you bought raw shrimp for the salad, you need to boil them in water with salt, bay leaf, allspice, and peel. In medium or large shrimp, the intestines, in which sand usually accumulates, should be removed. It is gently pulled, cutting the shrimp. It should be remembered that when using unpeeled shrimp, about a third of their weight is waste.

Using ready-made boiled shrimps for salad, they are only previously washed and cleaned (if they have not yet been peeled).

The remaining components of the salad are prepared and cut according to his recipe.

Shrimp Salad - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Caesar Salad with Shrimp

The family of salads called Caesar is very extensive, and each housewife uses her own recipe. However, the main components of this dish - green salad, crackers and hard cheese - usually remain unchanged. For Caesar salad with shrimps, it is better to use large shrimps, king or tiger.


1 kg king prawns;
1 bunch of green salad;
1 pack of cherry tomatoes;
100 gr. hard cheese;
white bread for crackers
1 clove of garlic;
rast. cracker oil

for refueling:

3 eggs;
2 tbsp. l lemon juice;
1 tsp mustard;
1 clove of garlic;
100 ml of olive oil;
to taste salt and pepper

Cooking method:

1. Cut white bread into cubes and slightly dry it on a baking sheet.

2. After heating the vegetable oil in a pan, put a clove of garlic, cut lengthwise, to give the garlic flavor to the oil. After boiling the oil, remove the garlic from the pan and fry our crackers.

3. Soak the green salad in cold water for about an hour, so that it remains crispy longer, then gently dry it with a paper towel.

4. Boil the shrimp.

5. We are preparing salad dressing. After boiling the eggs, take the yolks and knead them with a fork, then mix them with lemon juice, mustard and chopped garlic clove. Add vegetable little and, salt and pepper, mix well.

6. Peel the shrimp, grate the cheese on a fine grater, cut the cherry tomatoes in half.

7. Tearing the prepared green salad with your hands, put it on the dish, put the tomatoes on it, shrimp on top of the tomatoes, and sprinkle the croutons on top, pour the salad dressing and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Recipe 2: Shrimp and Tomato Salad

This recipe is quite simple, although at the same time it is very original and not without sophistication. Shrimp salad with tomatoes is rich in vitamins and other useful substances, it looks beautiful on the table and can become its real highlight.


100 gr. shrimp
3 tomatoes;
0.5 cloves of garlic;
40 gr olive oil;
1 tsp honey;
1 tbsp. l lemon juice;
parsley, lettuce;
to taste salt and black pepper (preferably freshly ground)

Cooking method:

1. We clean the raw shrimp from the shell.

2. Prepare the marinade for salad dressing. After washing and drying the greens, finely chop the parsley leaves. Grind the garlic and mix it in a bowl with a portion of parsley, honey, a little olive oil, lemon juice, salt and ground pepper. Mix well.

3. Cut the tomatoes into slices.

4. Spread lettuce leaves on the dish, put shrimps on top, then - tomatoes, pour salad dressing and sprinkle on top the remaining parsley.

Recipe 3: Shrimp and Avocado Salad

This salad, undoubtedly, can become a decoration for even a festive table. Shrimp and caviar make it rich in proteins, and avocados add tenderness to it and make its taste refined.


3 avocados;
400 gr. shrimp
4 tbsp. l salmon roe;
1 tbsp. l lemon juice;
sunflower oil
to taste salt and ground pepper;
a couple of sprigs of dill;
several slices of lemon to decorate the salad.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the dressing for salad dressing: mix vegetable oil (3 parts), lemon juice (1 part), season with pepper and salt.

2. Cut the fruits of the avocado in half, remove the seeds and cut the flesh with a spoon (to get pieces of a spherical shape).

3. We take transparent portioned dishes, place shrimps with avocado balls in it, put caviar on a tablespoon on top and fill with sauce. Garnish with sprigs of dill and thinly sliced ​​lemon slices.

Recipe 4: Shrimp and Broccoli Salad

This salad perfectly combines delicate taste and color shades. Not only does it have a wonderful view and taste, but it is also very useful, due to the abundance of such useful products as shrimp, broccoli, apples and pineapples.


300 gr broccoli (fresh or frozen);
400 gr. shell shrimp;
2 apples
several rings of canned pineapple;
100 gr. mayonnaise;
to taste the salt.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the broccoli. If the cabbage has large inflorescences, cut them in half, leave small ones intact.

2. Dip the shrimp in boiling water, after 3 minutes we take out, cool and clean.

3. After peeling the apples, cut them into small cubes.

4. Taking equally apples and pineapples, mix them with part of the cooked mayonnaise.

5. We spread apples with pineapples along the edge of the serving dish and fill with mayonnaise, place broccoli inflorescences in the middle, which we also pour with mayonnaise, then shrimp nicely on apples with pineapples.

Recipe 5: Shrimp and Mushroom Salad

This salad is popular on the east coast of Spain. The original combination of shrimp with mushrooms gives it an unusual taste, in addition, it is very fragrant and looks great on the table.


500 gr. champignons;
12 shrimp (large);
2 eggs;
Bell pepper;
2 garlic cloves;
rast. butter;
to taste the salt.

Cooking method:

1. We clean the shrimps boiled in salted water. Boiled eggs are cut into 4 parts. My mushrooms and cut not too finely. Sweet pepper cut into thin strips.

2. Grind the garlic and fry it until golden brown, add the mushrooms, salt and simmer everything until done. Then lay in a small deep dish layered shrimps, mushrooms (they should be still warm), sweet pepper. Top with boiled eggs in the form of decoration and pour with a mixture made from oil and vinegar.

Recipe 6: Shrimp and Egg Salad

A delicious salad, a real gourmet feast! The combination of shrimp and fruit gives it tenderness, and the components laid out on lettuce leaves look very elegant on the table.


100 gr. peeled shrimp;
4 eggs;
a small head of lettuce;
1 apple
1 banana
100 gr. mayonnaise;
5 gr. spicy curry powder;
3 tbsp. l lemon juice;
1 small bunch of parsley;
to taste salt with white pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Hard-boiled eggs are cut into circles. We sort salad into leaves. Cutting the apples into 4 parts (we do not peel the peel), remove the core and seeds from them, then cut them into small cubes. Finely chop the banana. Rinse the prepared shrimp with water and dry. Then we take a dish and lay on it lettuce leaves, and on top - shrimps with egg circles and fruit cubes.

2. Prepare the sauce by mixing mayonnaise with curry, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Water them with salad and sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 7: Shrimp and Potato Salad

This salad not only has a great taste, but is also very satisfying thanks to mayonnaise, potatoes and eggs.


1 kg of shrimp;
500 gr. potatoes;
a third cup of capers;
150 gr. mayonnaise;
5 boiled eggs;
parsley greens;
to taste vinegar with salt.

1. Wash the shrimp, cook them for about 15 minutes, but not in water, but in a small amount of vinegar with salt.

2. Cook the potatoes and, when it cools down, cut into small cubes.

3. Cut eggs into large salad slices in large slices, add capers with shrimps and 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise. Having mixed everything, fill it with the rest of the mayonnaise and decorate with parsley.

Recipe 8: Salad with Shrimp and Green Peas

Incredibly bright and beautiful salad! Shrimps in it are very successfully combined with rice, onions, eggs, green peas and salad, so this dish is also very tasty.


600 gr shrimp
3 tbsp. l rice;
2 onions;
100 gr. green peas;
3 eggs;
50 gr green lettuce;
100 gr. soy sauce;
parsley or dill;
to taste the salt.

Cooking method:

1. Boil shrimps, clean and finely chop.

2. Having cooked the rice in salted water, rinse it and cool it.

3. Finely chop the onion, dip it for a couple of minutes in boiling water, then cool.

4. Finely chop the egg whites, grind the yolks with soy sauce.

5. Having mixed everything, add green peas with salt, decorate with greens.

Recipe 9: Salad with Shrimp, Tomato and Canned Corn

Due to its bright attractive appearance and wonderful taste, this salad will be quite appropriate even on the festive table. A small amount of garlic gives it a light piquancy, and the combination of shrimp with tomatoes, sweet pepper corn and herbs makes it unique.


100 gr. canned corn;
1 onion;
200 gr. shrimp
3 tbsp. l green onions (chopped);
2 tomatoes;
1 sweet red pepper;
50 gr. wine vinegar with olive oil;
2 cloves of garlic;
1 tbsp. l lemon juice;
a small bunch of parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Clean the shrimp. We cut the onions into thin rings, cut the peeled tomatoes into small cubes. Chop green onions. After peeling the seeds, finely chop it. Mix in a salad bowl all prepared ingredients with corn.

2. Mix vinegar with oil, lemon juice and crushed garlic. Pour salad dressing and mix. Decorate the salad with parsley.

Shrimp Salad - Useful Tips from Experienced Cookers

The salad will have a richer and more vivid taste if you buy raw unpeeled shrimp for its preparation, which should then be boiled.

How much do you need to cook shrimp? Experienced culinary experts advise them to cook until they, turning bright orange, float to the surface of the water. This may take up to 5 minutes. Shrimp should not be digested so that their meat does not become stiff.

To make it easier to remove the shrimp meat from the shell, they need to be taken out of the broth while hot and placed in cold water for a few seconds.

But if after boiling for half an hour, leave the shrimp in the water with spices in which they were cooked, then they will be more juicy and tasty.


Watch the video: Salads: Avocado Shrimp Salad Recipe + Simple Cilantro Lemon Dressing (June 2024).